Saturday, December 4, 2010

December 3, 2010

high key

high key is a photography term where the tones are high
this was taking straight out of the camera 
(not post processing)
i love high key
it has such a dramatic look to it

this vase is a gift from bob's mom, bev
i didn't bring many things from canada but i had to bring this
to display the flowers that grow profusely in the yard.
it is hand blown glass
vase made in bracebridge ontario

why did i shoot this high key?
because right now our lives are 'high key' as well
had such a fabulous week at the shop this week
we call this time
'high season'  because
we get a ship in every day
(as opposed to low season when we get a ship in every 2 weeks!)

since we are trying to help the islanders in our non profit shop
a good week for them makes us really happy
the minimal wage here in roatan is 12.00 a DAY!
so this week several of our artists made over a 100.00 for our 4 day week
that works out to double what is the going rate.
may not seem like a lot to you but it is really great for them!

oh happy day!  
i am very tired but happy
i didn't get to take this photo til after 11:00 pm because
i was literally on the go all day!
visiting with people, praying, at the shop and then had friends over for pizza at the house

good times!!

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