Wednesday, January 6, 2010

january 6, 2010

journals have been a part of my life since i was 16 years old.
i love to write.
i am not a legalist in regards to writing everyday.
i love to write about what i am learning, struggling with, what the kids did, and
new insights.

when our son david was 8 years old he told me
i should keep a spiritual journal.
for that young age he was very wise in what he said.
'out of the mouths of babes!'
he told me to write the date, a  passage from the bible,
what it meant to me today,
and a prayer to God.

i have been doing that for about 14 years now.
i am sad to say that we got broken into a few days ago
they didn't take anything but some food and my 70% dark chocolate bar from the fridge
(i think my coming home scared them away)

 yesterday i noticed that some of my journals were missing!!
they were by the window and i guess they just grabbed
them on the way out.

i was heartbroken at first.
i stood there staggering around realizing that large chunks of our history was gone.
i am  sad because for years my husband has wanted me to take excerpts out
and write a devotional book.
i procrastinated.
that is a hard lesson!
now i will not be able to retrieve those years due to it.

i have to believe that although it is a great loss for me.
it may be a great gain for whoever reads them.

i have to believe that God will use it in their lives.
i have to believe...
i choose to believe even when it's hard...

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