Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 18, 2010

the holy family

isn't something people talk about alot these days
some people are bothered when people have a
'holier then thou' attitude

i have been thinking about holiness lately
when i sat musing about it one morning this verse came to mind:

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.
James 1:27

you may be thinking .. well i don't have time to do that
it's true
you don't
i believe since living here in this beautiful yet impoverished island
that God is reshaping my thinking

my values are changing
my heart is being melded into one who believes in preaching the gospel

so holiness...
what's the secret?
God is holy
we are not
there is a gift we can open
the gift of His forgiveness and love 
signed by Jesus
once we accept His gift He imparts
HIS holiness
He motivates us to love others and do good to others

then it is up to us what we do
i know alot of people who are so busy
that they don't have time for the poor
that is sad because i believe that we are missing out 
in one of the greatest ways of showing the world what His love looks like

and yet more and more people are seeing the need
one church i know in canada were moved to feed the poor,
and when i wrote about help here so many of you responded
thank you thank you thank you
we will be doing that food and clothing drive tomorrow

i encourage you to consider the poor and the less fortunate over this season
may He help us to take little steps out of your comfort zone and
go to the places and the people that most people ignore.

God will direct you
i know He will.

holy direction... 

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