pizza shell
I am a little emotional this morning.
Our son David is flying back to Montreal this afternoon
and already I feel the loss of him.
Today after having coffee together we decided
to go for one last morning beach walk.
We both love photography so it is a wonderful
ritual that we enjoy to start the day capturing the beauty
around us.
David is a much better photographer then I
He has taught me so much this week.
I am blessed to have a son who enjoys being with me
We talk endlessly
and try to solve the world's problems,
we laugh,
I listen to the sounds and aches of his heart
we sometimes bicker
but all in all it is a delight to be together.
As we were walking along I saw these boys standing beside this blue house
and I said.
Oh David isn't that a great color as a backdrop?
kenfor, christopher, preston
So here are the boys.
Inside their shirts were many little beach shells.
David bought 3 of them.
Hence the pizza shell.
Little Christopher said,
"I gots a shell dat looks like pizza.. you want dat?"
Fo' shore!!
small treasures,
wonderful memories of being together.
missing you already david
small treasures,
wonderful memories of being together.
missing you already david
It truly is a blessing when your children not only love you as their mother, but as a friend.