Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

cosmos, you are stunning today!!

this is why it is important to take your camera everywhere!
i was heading to church with my camera over my shoulder
(yes i take my camera to church...
you never know what i will see in the half hour drive
plus sometimes i even bring it in and take adorable photos
of the cutest black children in the world!!)

as i was walking to the car this flower was just glorious!
a real stunner she was!
so i put everything down:
my bag, my coffee, my bible 
and as quickly as i could i took this

i thought to myself...
if my day starts like this 
it has got to just get better and better
it did!
had a beautiful, blessed day today!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful way to begin your day. What a beautiful photo!
